Thursday, February 4, 2010

Short Sale Expert in Murrieta

While 2009 was considered bad for the real estate market, 2010 is predicted to see a worsening of the mortgage trend. A 2 to 3 year resetting of adjustable rate mortgages is forecast which might even run through 2012. It is rumored that loan administrators of certain lending institutions have been instructed to defer foreclosure process till the end of the first year. Some analysts believe we are sitting in the eye of a mortgage hurricane which will become deadly again when we hit the opposite wall some time later this year. They add that foreclosed properties will hit the markets again over the next two years. No one will hazard a guess as to when real estate prices will touch bottom, but the depths haven’t been plumbed yet. Unprecedented foreclosures are expected to spawn a plethora of displaced homeowners — the largest in history — descending on the rental market.

Although Mortgage rates and the “Indexes” they are tied to remain very low, the issue with the current group of loans is that the majority of them have Interest Only payments now, but when they adjust, switch to Principle and Interest payments. The increase in the monthly payments on these loans is likely to result in many more defaults, then foreclosures.

Stacy Frazier-Brock is a Murrieta realtor whose specialty is avoiding foreclosures with short sales. In doing this the distressed borrower’s credit rating is preserved. Stacy Frazier-Brock has established a long-standing rapport with loan administrators in lending institutions through which he is able to successfully negotiate short sales. More often than not this is a preferred option that benefits both lender and borrower. To know more about her and her modus operandi, please click on

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